Witch's Brew

Witch's Brew screenshot

About the project:

A browser-based platformer game developed with Phaser 3.

Currently it only supports playing with a keyboard and is basically just a "collect the good things and don't touch the bad things" kind of game with a scoring mechanism. In future I plan to add mobile controls and significantly more functionality, including a story mode.

During the period of heaviest activity I kept a development blog on Publish0x, where I documented the ideas, challenges, achievements and processes behind building Witch's Brew. Nothing much new there recently because life has otherwise not afforded me the time or motivation for most of my hobbies.

Note that if you are using a browser or extension to block or farble fingerprinting (such as Brave browser) the menu buttons and in-game text may be offset down the screen. This is caused by some of the canvas anti-fingerprinting methods used. Turning off fingerprint blocking for the site will fix the issue for you.


The initial version was developed in approximately a week of July 2020.

More features are being added as I find the time.

Technology used:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Phaser 3

