
dotNETInspector allows you to quickly and easily determine which versions and service packs of the .NET Framework are installed on a PC.

This can be extremely handy for those who work regularly with portable .NET applications on computers that are not their own, or are just trying to determine the capabilities of their own PC.

Please be aware that this has not been updated in a very long time, and does not support recent versions of the .NET Framework. The most recent supported version is currently .NET 4.5.

Please note that the built-in update check will not work right now because the version DB file that it looks for does not currently exist due to the forced transition from the original site to this one. I hope to do something about this soon.

dotNETInspector is released under the GPL v3 licence.

The source code can be found at

Latest release  1.5.0

Released Mar 15 2014

Downloaded 7815 times

Command Line Parameters

Short Switch Long Switch Argument Effect
-h --help none Displays help on the command line parameters (console only)
-e --exportpath string: directory path Specifies the default location for saving results to file

dotNETInspector does not support the / switch for command line parameters. You must use the – switch.